The Relay Race

by Samson Omondi edited by John Seale Dennis in 2011 Fifteen years ago, one of Ndoto’s early sponsored students was given the nickname “servant-hearted” because of his kindness. We had known him when he was volunteering as part of the worship team at the church we planted in our community of Obunga, and in 2010,…

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Incarnational Leadership

by Michael Omondi edited by John Seale You see an interesting situation with large charities that funnel huge sums of money into poor communities in developing countries. Nearly 100% of the time, their headquarters are located in the central business district of a large city, and their field offices are located in residential areas where…

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IT Specialist

BACKGROUND. Ndoto: For Africa’s Future is a Christ-centered community development organization that works in the Obunga slum of Kisumu, Kenya. Ndoto is a Swahili word meaning “dream.” We aim to give at-risk youth a chance to dream for themselves, their community, and the kingdom of God through education, discipleship, and development. As an organization, we believe that forgotten communities can…

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