Through the Eyes of a Student




Geoffrey, a high school student, sponsored by Ndoto to go to a nationally ranked high school, received an opportunity to go to Morocco.  Upon his return, he wrote a story telling us about his experience. If he had not been able to go to his high school, he would have not received this opportunity. This is the kind of change and opportunity that sponsorship through Ndoto is providing students from Obunga with. Enjoy!

“It is said that great things take place when we least expect them. You never know or anticipate when the mighty God opens the shower gates of blessings upon your life. Mine is a simple story, a short but wonderful adventure which I never knew in my wildest of imagination would ever happen to me in the month of February.

I, together with another boy, was selected to attend a regional roundsquare conference in Morocco.  Roundsquare is an international organization comprising of international schools that share common IDEALS. I- Internationalism, D-Discipline, E- Education, A – Adventure, L- Leadership, and S- service.


Geoffrey telling staff member Joshua about his adventure to Morocco!

My experience started from the minute I left school to go to the airport.  I believe I am one of the few people who board a plane to go to a far off land on their first visit to the airport.  Personally, I think it was my first time to board an airplane, let alone to see one that close.  I really do not admire the plane toilets. They looked so awkward and frightening to me. I was also curious to know where what you flush goes, believe me, I have heard a lot of theories about that part of the plane.  I loved the food, hey…who doesn’t love food? To me, the most frightful moments were when we were about to take off and also the landing part. Another part not so nice is when they talk about emergency exits and the life vest and stuff. It left me with goosebumps.

Morocco was a wonderful place, though foreign and quite far from Kenya. The people made us feel at home. It was a sad tale though that I never got to see any animals, and it was really cold there.  Please don’t blame, but when I say those people don’t have fresh water, I mean it. I live near a lake, so I am a bit experienced with water.  You can imagine how surprised I was that even their bottled water is a bit salty.  The city I was in and even Morocco itself is in the Sahara desert, but, Marrakech was so irrigated that it looked greener that some parts of Kenya.

I talked to a lot of people during the Roundsquare conference. I got a lot of time to exchange ideas and make foreign friends.  The conference consisted of people from Africa and Europe, and it seemed, mostly rich kids.  I am honestly shocked at how people perceive East Africa, and Africa in general. I remember one time, I told someone that I am from Kenya and he asked me where that was. When I told him, Africa, to my surprise, he asked me if I knew a friend of his who lives in Zambia. Goodness! Zambia and Kenya are nearly a world apart. It is shocking he thought Africa was one country. Another incident…Someone asked me if I rode an elephant to school or if we mingled freely with wild animals.  I don’t know if that guy had watched too much of Tarzan, but I advised him to come to Kenya and see for himself. I think the thought scared him a little.

I liked Morocco a lot, but I love Kenya. At a particular period I got so homesick I felt like walking back to Kenya. Some of the not so nice experience was the racism issue. I felt sad when at one of the airports, all the black guys traveling were separated and our documents had to be confirmed. It was not that nice and kind of makes one feel she or he does not deserve to be black, but hey…crap happens! I didn’t let that spoil my trip.

Geoffrey with staff members Moses and Ashley.

Geoffrey with staff members Moses and Ashley.

Finally, my trip had come to an end. I had mixed feelings as part of me wanted to go back home and another one had fallen in love with this wonderful land. Did I mention in Morocco, there are only white lions which is so strange and so sad that there are remaining only less than twenty of them in the whole country?

I love planes now. I love flying. In fact, I wish I had my own pair of wings but I hated having to stop at three different airports for security checks and clearings.” – Geoffrey

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