A couple of months ago, Mama Bon and I (Moses) set out on a mission to visit three schools in one day and spend time with five Ndoto students. We started out the two hour journey just after 10am to a town called Siaya by matatu (a van taxi). I was excited at the thought of seeing the young, dear, famous Lawi and his sweet older sister, Molly, at the first school.
Upon arrival, we met Lawi’s class teacher, who couldn’t hide her joy in seeing Mama Bon. She sat us down and began to give an update on his progress in school. Lawi had finished number 9 in his class on his midterm exam, despite some health issues he had been having.
After that, we discussed Molly’s performance with her teacher, and the bell rang. At the door stood these two fantastic children who I have grown to love so much since meeting them at the April 2015 retreat!
Lawi ran to me with a smile on his face, and, with a massive hug, he embraced me! It felt like a father embraced by a son. They both hugged Mama Bon as we looked around for a shady spot to spend some time with them studying the Bible and eating lunch.

Lawi and Molly sharing chapati (Kenyan tortilla), chips, rice, beans, and a Fanta soda!
Mama Bon taught them what it means to walk in the light from the book of 1 John 1:5-10 and Micah 6:8. Molly and Lawi shared things they have done that were not a true reflection of walking in the light and talked about examples of how they can walk in the light going forward. Lawi was really taking it in and shared an example of his reaction when someone insulted him, and how he hurled insults right back. We shared with them why it is important to be a good example for others through our words and actions and gave them practical ways to walk in the light of Jesus Christ.