Let The Little Children Come To Me




Part of our discipleship and mentorship program at Ndoto means visiting with students at their school, in their homes, and in the Ndoto office.  Since we have students spread across several schools in the Kisumu area, staff visits are typically a surprise! Usually, the students don’t know they are coming until they see our staff members in the court yard!

In June, staff members, Joshua and Alice (“Mama Bon”), went to visit students at a few schools.  What they learned after spending time talking with students, seeing students at school, and reading the Bible with them was that God is softening their hearts and opening their eyes.

“It’s AMAZING! Some are confessing for their sins, others are sharing honest struggles they are having in school or at home. Even some are sharing their desire to live differently and put their faith in Jesus Christ. I can’t even believe the changes that are happening in these kids!” – Joshua, Ndoto Staff Member

On this particular day, Joshua and Mama Bon went to visit a primary school and shared lunch with some of our youngest Ndoto students. Mustapha and the others came running, and their silliness in the picture below shows just how excited they were to see their beloved staff members!

Sharing a joyous moment with Jannes, Leon, McQueen, Samuel, Mustapha, Caroline and Prince.

Sharing a joyous moment with Jannes, Leon, McQuin, Samuel, Mustapha, Caroline, and Prince.

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Mama Bon sharing a soda and lunch with the students.

Mama Bon-6.25

We are so proud of our youngest Ndoto students and are excited about their futures!

These visits demonstrate the care that our staff have for each of the students. They are there to encourage them, pray for them, and walk through challenges with them.

Before Joshua and Mama Bon left, they were praying together for their students and were reminded of the Scripture in Matthew 19:14 where Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

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