Continuing Ed




Education is a cornerstone of Ndoto. Last year, we extended the benefits of education to our Kenyan staff, too.

When Joshua joined our team years ago, he was a high-school dropout taxi driver. While working for us, he earned the Kenyan equivalent of a GED. Last year, he began a certificate program, the only college program available to him. His school continued online during the pandemic, and he took extra classes while the Ndoto offices were closed to get ahead. Having passed his program with flying colors, he’s been given the opportunity to upgrade to continue working toward an associate’s degree. Joshua is the director of our Education Department. They say that you can’t lead anyone further than you have gone yourself, and if that’s true, then nobody can identify with our at-risk students more than Joshua.

Fred, on the other hand, joined our team a few years ago after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from a top university. His passion, however, is discipleship. Today, he’s enrolled in a Kenyan seminary working on a master’s degree in theology. Fred is the Director of Discipleship and is one of the pastors of the Ndoto Community Church.

Michael has been part of the Ndoto team since graduating from Bible college and launching the Ndoto Community Church. Since then, he has become not only our Director in Kenya, he has married our founder and Executive Director, Allison, and had a daughter, Michaela! He too is furthering his education with partial tuition support from Ndoto, studying online at Bakke Graduate University toward a Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership.

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