A change in Michelle…




During the April retreat, most students are usually excited.  They look forward to having lots of fun with their friends, eating big meals, and dancing.  They also get to share their experiences both at home and in school with their friends. Retreats help them grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is during their break from school, so it is a much needed time of refreshment for them.

It was during this past retreat that I noticed that Michelle, a younger Ndoto student, has grown and really transformed.  In the past, we have had problems with her having a bad attitude and throwing a fit when things didn’t go her way.

I was shocked and pleasantly surprised when I looked over at this retreat and saw her new and improved attitude and heart! She participated in the games, sang her heart out and worshiped during the worship sessions. I was so blessed to see how she has grown spiritually.  During lunch, she came and helped clean up without being asked. She was taking others’ trash, wiping tables, and asking how else she could help.  She did it all with a smile on her face, serving her peers and the Ndoto staff.  It is clear that God is really up to something special with this young girl. The change in her heart is drastic and is completely from above.

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I love that the retreats give the staff an opportunity to get to know students better and interact with them in different and new ways.  I believe this transformation has been going on for a while, but I was unaware until I saw it in action at the retreat this year.

Michelle also comes to church every Sunday now. She participates very actively by answering questions during Bible studies and singing in worship. She loves to memorize Scripture and learn more about Jesus. I am grateful to see the change that God has brought to her life through her involvement in Ndoto.

By: Susan Mandera


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