Serve at Ndoto

Ndoto Internships

Ndoto has opportunities for interns to serve in various departments of the ministry. This opportunity allows you to be exposed to working in the NGO world, in church ministry within a slum community, and in giving helping hands to the most vulnerable.

Intern Opportunity

You could be the next intern at Ndoto. We have opportunities in all departments of ministry and administration based on your experience and goals. If you are interested in serving in a slum community or learning about ministry, we are ready for you to apply.

Interns at Ndoto will be working among a team that is highly motivated where integrity is key. Our ministry is Christ-centered and we believe in servant leadership, effective communication, and leadership development. Our team members grow as a team and are exposed to local and international opportunities.

Based on need and qualifications and alignment with a college or university, internship at Ndoto can satisfy a diploma or degree requirement.

Ndoto will also consider one-time or short-term volunteers within various departments.

Interns must:
Be a born again follower of Jesus Christ
Have a clean criminal record and provide it in advance
Have experience working with youths or children in a volunteer or work capacity
Be teachable and a team player
Be willing to serve in a variety of positions and roles

Interns at Ndoto are not regularly compensated for their service.

Opportunities for internship:
Discipleship department within Ndoto Community Church
Education department with Ndoto's sponsorship program
Sports programme within Ndoto Sports Academy or Ndoto Boxing and Gym
Administrative department in various roles, such as accounting, IT, data entry, and office management

To apply for an internship, provide a CV and cover letter and email Michael Omondi at

Work for Ndoto

Here we will post the positions that we are currently hiring for. Please click the link to read more and apply.

Ndoto Community Church Pastor

Assistant Soccer Coach