The Beauty of Working at Ndoto




by Fred Sadia

Without a doubt, it’s the dream of many to wake up early in the morning and go to a job that their heart truly desires, a job that not only excites them but also energizes them toward their visions and goals.

When you think of Ndoto, you would think that it’s a place where students’ fees are being paid and that’s it. That’s until you interact with the people who work at Ndoto. Beyond the laptop’s outside casing lies real, beautiful, and energizing stuff. As a tour-guide directs through the beauty of nature, so will I take you, in writing, through the splendor of working at Ndoto.

At Ndoto, we believe in equality for all regardless of age or social status. Men and women alike are treated with dignity of the highest order. God in his goodness and perfection washed the feet of his disciples, and that has taught us at Ndoto to be servants rather than masters. It is lovely to work at a place where after a day’s work, you still have a reserve of energy left. This strength arises when you realize that you spent your day serving others.

Our wonderful friends, the chickens, are not left behind either – they remind us of the bigger vision. With this poultry project that started last year, Ndoto is looking forward to creating more job opportunities for the residents of Obunga and at the same time supplying quality eggs at a fair price.

As the sparks flash into an unknown future, we continue to remain optimistic that the future will be even more brilliant. Ndoto’s directors have instilled the spirit of visionary leadership into the hearts and minds of Ndoto staff members and we live all to God as he directs us into the future. As seconds turn into minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, and days to weeks, it’s another moment to praise the Lord, for he is good and his love endures forever.

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