When Peace Like A River




by Fred Sadia

Wherever his presence moves, his peace, like a river, silently enters into the hearts of those filled with his love. His peace pieces together broken hearts and resoundingly brings joy to souls downtrodden, silencing all the scary sights and sounds of a cruel world filled with all kinds of predators.

Little Ndoto Sunday school girl taking a peaceful nap at the Ndoto compound

Ndoto for so many years has become like that river, gushing out with the peace of Jesus; a place loved by the young and old alike. It’s a place filled with a fresh breath of air emanating from the presence of Jesus. Every time I walk into the Ndoto compound and see the kids playing or relaxing, my heart is overwhelmed with joy. Most of the children in our community grow without the presence of a caring adult. Some are victims of family conflict.

If you close the Ndoto gates, the kids don’t leave – they stand at the gate, banging on it until it’s opened. They year for that peace and they long to be nourished by the nutrients of this river.

Kids enjoying play during the Christmas holiday

This Christmas holiday has not been any different. The kids and the youths have spent time interacting and playing with one another at the Ndoto compound. With hands connected to each other, they share in the peace.

There are days when the river flowing with peace is hit by waves of uncertainty and tides of fear and anxiety. Even in those days, we trust in the Lord to renew us and restore his peace upon us. The peace gives us satisfaction in the fulfillment of the promises given to mankind at Calvary when Christ uttered the words, “It is finished.”


This year’s high school seniors trusting God for success in their National Exams


When peace like a river winds its way through the heart of our community, babbling and bubbling as it flows over the rocks on its way, one thing stands out. “It is well with our soul.”

It is well with our students, it is well with our directors and board of governors, it is well with our staff, and it is well with our sponsors.

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