Faces of Hope




by Fred Sadia

In these challenging times, the world is grappling with lots of trials as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation that has led to the closure of many gates around the world, like this one at Ndoto. However, there are still rays of hope from people who do small but important things to impact their community. They are the Faces of Hope and we salute them.

The government of Kenya issued a dusk-to-dawn curfew to try to curb the further spread of the unseen enemy, and with such intervention it is extremely hard for life to be normal. Families are striving to make ends meet despite the reduction in business hours. Life in the slums is extremely hard, as families that live on less than a dollar a day find it difficult to cope with the tough times. But the light is so powerful, it overpowers the darkness with hope.

Meet Clinton! He is doing an amazing job at keeping the youth busy by involving them in physical training. Every day, the Ndoto gates are opened to the youth who have a desire to build and maintain their fitness. They come in small groups, adhering to the government directive of maintaining social distance, but with a goal of keeping their bodies fit and healthy. With the guidance of Clinton, who learns the aerobics via YouTube, they all work hard. Just to see them training, I have the hope that life will eventually return to normal, and that by God’s grace everything will be fine. Clinton is one among many who has opted to restore some sense of joy in hearts that are discouraged. We salute you, Sir!

Meet Sandra! For the past two months the Ndoto offices have partially been closed, to the disappointment of Sunday school children who love being around as they sit with their teachers. Sandra is an Ndoto Sunday school child who has deeply missed services. Her mom tells me that every week, Sandra asks her if it’s time to go to Ndoto. She has to tell her no, for now, but not for long. Sandra brings out the hope that we all have, that in a while everything will be back to a new normal.

We keep on praying, hoping, and being faithful, believing that in a moment there shall be light at the end of the tunnel. Meanwhile, let’s continue sanitizing, putting on our masks, and maintaining physical distance, because for sure death has been swallowed up in victory and its sting is defeated. This gate that has been closed for now will soon be opened, and then we shall pick up where we left off – all for the glory of Christ Jesus.

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